Private Session with the Gamemakers

I walked into the spacious Training Center located in the capitol. It smelled like a forest though inside a gymnasium, and training centers scattered the area. This was going to be District 3’s private session with the Gamemakers. They called us out at lunch, district by district. I was eating a delicious pizza when they called our district, third as usual. I had no plan whatsoever so I was just going train at what I did best or what I liked. I didn’t really care about the training score besides the fact that I didn’t want to appear weak since people will surely hunt me down, so that made me a bit nervous. Some squeaking of shoes on the floor meant that the other District 3 tributes arrived.

The Gamemakers welcomed us as they dined on their feast. I could smell the scent of their food from a couple meters away. They mumbled things to each other as they told us to begin training. I looked around, trying to find a good station to begin with. There were weapons I have never even seen, weird trees and plants all around. The weird trees caught my interest so I walked over. On a small metal sign in big gold letters, it said Tree Climbing. I felt pretty nimble so I grabbed a branch and hauled myself over. The wood was rough but yet smooth at the same time, no wonder why it looked weird. It had no splinters so I guessed that it was a synthetic tree though the designers did a pretty good job at making it look real. All those pull-ups in gym class really paid off as it was fairly easy to pull my body up. In a short time I was at the top, looking over the whole area. I saw Jennings at knife throwing, getting a few bulls-eyes in a row. Looking over to the Gamemakers I saw them seemingly talking about me since they were glancing over while stuffing steak and salad in their mouths. I decided to jump to another tree to impress the Gamemakers while they were looking at me, and also to get to the next station. Tensing my legs, I pushed down as hard as I could on my current branch and used that force to jump to another tree and grab onto a branch. The Gamemakers muttered to each other excitedly. I didn’t know it was about me but it didn’t matter so I slid back down the tree.

I heard a loud crash as I saw Jennings walk away from her station, proud and all, knives clanging on the ground. What happened? I had no idea. I was trying my hand at the hand to hand combat station, which I know I’ll need for the Hunger Games. One, one, two, I muttered to myself as I flew punches at a dummy. Later I tried fire making, fishing which I was terrible at (no patience), and archery. I held a bow and arrow in my hand and set the carbon fiber arrow on the bowstring. With a swoosh, the fletching of the arrow brushed past my hand and hit two rows from the bulls-eye. Not too bad of a shot, and it would get the job done. Suddenly the Gamemakers called us over and said we were done, and would give us our scores later via television. I felt great after leaving the gymnasium and someone what impressing the Gamemakers. Some anxiety was in me though, waiting to find out my score. That wouldn’t matter though because what matters is the Hunger Games, and that is coming. Very soon.

3 thoughts on “Private Session with the Gamemakers

  1. I liked this post better then your first. You focused on conveying more emotion and sensory details rather then just writing about what’s physically happening. I think you were a little confused on the concept of one on one sessions though. It is not meant to be a practice sessions but more like a tryout. there is also no other competitors entering with you. other then that it was well written.

  2. I liked how you showed more than you told in this post. The descriptions were better but I still don’t believe that your full potential has been unlocked. I liked the view into your thoughts. Try to take a bigger glimpse into the world around you besides the physical parts. Otherwise, great job. Work it!

  3. Well the setting got kind of messed up so that’s why the other district 3 person was there. But if you want to read about the clanging of knives on the ground go to Riley(Jennings)’s Blog which was the other district 3 person.

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